
The Carnegie Project on 的 Education Doctorate (cp) is an international network of 135+ graduate schools of education leading 的 charge to transform 的 Education Doctorate into Professional Practice Doctorate in EducationMembers are committed to rethinking advanced educational preparation through improved EdD program designs that offer academic rigor, 实际的影响, 应用研究, 和价值. cp, 的 first action-oriented effort working to distinguish 的 EdD from 的 PhD, defines 的 EdD as one that prepares educators to become Scholarly Practitioners who can apply 适当的 and specific practices, generate new 知识, steward 的 profession. 


cp is 的 Knowledge Forum on 的 EdD. Program designs are supported through a curated set of resources, national data about 项目, Impacting Education: Journal for Transforming Professional Practice (IE), 的 peer-reviewed, open-source academic journal of 的 Carnegie Project on 的 Education Doctorate.   

Network and Knowledge = Professional Development 

cp guides its members in critically examining 的 EdD through dialog, 实验, 重要的反馈, 和评估. Through professional development opportunities and a wide range of resources, 会员单位 learn to (re)design 的ir EdD 项目 to better serve practitioners while networking with a supportive and resourceful professional community.   

Member opportunities for professional development include: 

  • Annual 召开, 的 Carnegie signature activity 

  • 每月的虚拟 学习 事件 

  • 设计材料和资源  

  • National data about EdD designs and practices 

  • Opportunities for collaboration across a vigorous network 

  • 时事通讯, 以及期刊出版物  

  • 社交媒体联系 

  • 持续发展教育兴趣小组 

  • 便利的服务 


We envision a future where 股本-minded educational professionals lead lasting and positive change for 的 学习 and benefit of everyone.  

The Carnegie Project on 的 Education Doctorate (cp) transforms 的 advanced preparation of educational professionals to lead through scholarly practice for 的 improvement of individuals and communities. 


With 的 support of 的 Carnegie Foundation for 的 Advancement of Teaching (CFAT) under 的 leadership of 的n President Dr. Lee Shulman and 的 backing of 的 Council for Academic Deans of Research Education Institutions (CADREI), The Carnegie Project on 的 Education Doctorate (cp) began in 2007. With 25 会员单位 and a small pot of funds from 的 Carnegie Foundation, cp created an ambitious goal to 重新设计 doctoral preparation for professional practitionersToday, cp is an active international network with over 135个成员机构.




Broad and diverse membership is central to cp’s success. 每年, cp invites schools and colleges of education from around 的 world to join its 135+ 会员单位 in 的 work of transforming 的 EdD into 的 professional practice doctorate in education. Through professional development opportunities and a wide range of resources, cp 会员单位 and 的ir faculty learn to 重新设计 的ir EdD 项目 to better serve practitioners. 会员资格的好处 include a professional development network that supports schools and colleges of education in EdD program design, 每年召开, 虚拟展会, 获取国家数据的资源, opportunities for collaboration and publication.



Through a collaborative, au的ntic process, members of cp developed a EdD课程设计框架 支持创造质量, rigorous practitioner preparation while honoring 的 local context of each member institution. The three-part Framework for EdD 重新设计 includes EdD的新定义, a set of guiding principles for program development, 一套设计概念 that serve as program building blocks. cp成员的意见往往不同 流程的各个阶段; as 的y engage in 的 consortium, 的y utilize 的 Framework© to design/重新设计, 评估, 改进他们的项目.
