Geaux Therefore

The Official Blog of NOBTS and Leavell College

on Monday, November 6, 2017

I love preaching. 在我作为牧师所做的所有事情中,讲道对我来说是一个特别的快乐来源. Perhaps this is true for most pastors. 当然,《宝盈APP登录》强调了传道的核心作用. 在圣经记载的保罗临终遗言中, he tells Timothy, “preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, 以完全的忍耐和教训”(提摩太后书4:2)。. However, 即使我承认讲道的重要性和乐趣, it absorbs so much of a man—his physical, mental, and spiritual strength. Preaching is exhausting. If we are not careful, our preaching can become stale, 尤其是在长期担任牧师之后. 我建议三件事来保持我们讲道的新鲜感. These ideas did not originate with me. Instead, 我已经接受了从几个人那里传承下来的智慧,他们长期以来都是强大而忠诚的讲坛牧师的榜样.

Read widely

我们都听说过阅读对个人成长的重要性. We have also heard leaders are readers. This is especially true for pastors. 我在之前的一篇文章中论证了研究教会历史的价值. 部长们应该阅读历史,以获得他们所服务的社会和文化动态的智慧, to foster greater empathy with their people, and to empower community engagement. 部长们应该阅读哲学,以提高他们的思维和沟通能力. 他们应该阅读圣经研究的著作,以跟上圣经背景的进展, biblical theology, and apologetic issues. They should read practical works on evangelism, discipleship, and missions, 因为我们不能忽视我们在圣经中的大使命. 在传统的学术学科之外,牧师应该阅读传记. 阅读传记可以激励我们,提醒我们注意陷阱,总的来说是有教益的. 传记也为讲道插图提供了实质性的材料, which we need week in and week out. 有些人甚至建议阅读小说,以扩大词汇量,增强我们用文字描绘画面的能力.

广泛阅读能使我们的讲道保持新鲜——越广越好. Currently, 我的“必读”书架上有几本书:大卫·麦卡洛(David McCullough)的哈里·杜鲁门(Harry Truman)传记, Jarvis Williams’s 一个新人:十字架与保罗的种族和解, Con Campbell’s Advances in the Study of Greek, Curtis Freedman’s Contesting Catholicity, and an historical work for my local context, Making San Francisco American, by Barbara Berglund. I cannot wait to dig in.

Use the Biblical Languages

Although I should not be, I am regularly surprised to hear pastors say, “I haven’t used Greek in years,” or “I hated studying Hebrew. I knew I’d never use it.” Call me type A, 但我希望他们花两到三年的时间来学习一门学科, 尤其是像古代语言这样具有挑战性的语言, would sense the weightiness of this stewardship. However, like doctoral students with German—yes, 他们这么做了太多的MDiv宝盈APP登录对希腊语和希伯来语的生存感到如此宽慰,以至于他们很少再使用它们. This is disappointing. 有能力在讲道宝盈集团bbin中使用圣经语言是一种说不出的祝福. 想象一下,我们有能力用保罗的语言来阅读新约. We can read Hosea’s own words in Hebrew. 如果你花五到六个小时阅读评论, 但实际上没有时间用原始语言工作, 你正在错过一个最丰富的宝盈集团bbin机会. 圣经语言以1080p格式播放,而不是在老式黑白电视上播放. It can also enrich you spiritually. 如果我听起来“说教”,请原谅我——这毕竟是一篇宝盈APP登录讲道的文章——但我有一些最强大的灵修经历,包括在宝盈集团bbin讲道时阅读圣经中的希腊语或希伯来语. 我指的不是在词典中查找单词. That avails very little. But through study, observing the syntax, hearing alliteration, and phrasing out a text, the Scriptures seem to come to life in a new way.

如果你可以,为什么不花时间去做呢? 如果经过了足够的时间,你的语言技能已经生疏了, 我推荐两个资源作为复习:Mark Futado的 Daily Dose of Hebrew and Robert Plummer’s Daily Dose of Greek. NOBTS还提供了一个出色的智能手机应用程序,用于基础工作. 不认为圣经语言是一种负担吗. It is a stewardship and a gift. 这需要努力,但它可以改变你的讲道宝盈集团bbin和讲道事件本身.

Review Your Messages

When I finish preaching on Sundays, I am spent. 我最不想做的就是听自己说教. 然而,回顾你的讲道可能是改善你讲道的最好工具之一. 每周我都会听上个星期天的信息,我问自己几个问题:我在介绍中做得怎么样? Was I clear enough? 我有没有把这段经文放到更广阔的圣经背景中去? Did I preach Christ clearly? Did I misspeak at any point without realizing it? Did I transition smoothly to avoid distraction? 我的举止、面部特征、言语填充或其他什么东西会让我分心吗? If these sound like small issues, they are not. 其中一些是平庸的讲道和有力的讲道之间的区别. 其他人则区分忠诚和不忠,或者至少是管理不善.

What a gift we have as pastors, 每周站在神的百姓面前宣讲神的话语, under the power of the Holy Spirit. Should we not be driven to give our all? If you do not already record your messages, 一部智能手机就足够了,而且可以免费获取在线资源, such as SermonAudio.Com使它易于存储和访问您的消息.


I could mention several other tips, 比如关注时事或聆听有技巧的布道者, but these three have served me well. 我的希望是我们能好好管理我们的职业, find joy in our task, 并见证神借着我们的传讲成就他的工. Amen.

Paul Sanchez 是NOBTS(2012)的校友,自2013年以来一直在美南浸信会神学院研究美国宗教史, earning a ThM in 2014, and currently pursuing a PhD under Greg Wills. 他也是加州圣何塞以马忤斯教会的主任长老和传道牧师. You can follow him on twitter @paulsanchez408.