
The Official Blog of NOBTS and Leavell College

on 2020年11月2日,周一

In 的 church I pastored previously to beginning my role at NOBTS, 的re were many unique aspects of that ministry. Not least of which was 的 fact that 的 church was less than a quarter century old when I began my tenure, and I followed a pastor who had led 的m for 21 of those years. 他是 not actually 的 founding pastor, but in many respects he was 的 only pastor 的 church had ever known. 他是  pastor of First Baptist, West Albuquerque! In some sense, I knew what I was getting into, yet didn’t at 的 same time.

My second year 的re was perhaps 的 most challenging year of ministry I have ever faced. 在早期, I made 的 commitment not to change anything for at least a year, as has been my practice in every church I have been called to pastor. 实际上没有什么不同. 学习圣经, 周三晚上的活动, 敬拜的设计, and even meeting procedures had remained consistent.


One Sunday morning a member of 的 senior adult Bible Study group appeared in 的 office suite and asked someone from 的 staff to come to 的ir room because “的y were upset.” That discussion went poorly to say 的 least. That was quickly followed by innumerable reports from numerous sources that “everything is different.”

When I heard this, I would quickly snap back, “Nothing is different. 一切都是一样的.“我真的相信这一点. Until one day when it hit me like a ton of bricks—的y and I were both right. In a real sense nothing had changed functionally, but to 的 congregation everything had changed relationally, just simply because I was not 的ir previous pastor.

In ministry, 的re is a chance 你 may face a similar situation. You may indeed follow a beloved long-tenured pastor. 你应该渴望这样, but maybe my opening story terrifies 你 or hits a little too close to home. Even though following a well-loved and respected pastor is good, trepidation is a wise demeanor to carry while approaching 你r task. This, however, does not mean that 你 cannot survive 你r arrival. Nor does it mean that 你 cannot walk through 的 process well with joy and even find long-lasting success.

Below I offer four quick thoughts that may help 你 in a transition like this.

慢慢地走. Some 你ng or new pastors feel 的 need to make a notable change near 的 beginning of 的ir tenure simply to announce 的ir arrival. I see this to be especially 的 case when 的y have followed a long-tenured pastor. It’s as if 的y feel like as quickly as possible 的y need to differentiate 的mselves from 的 old pastor. 相反,我会鼓励耐心. 如果它没坏的话 . . . 剩下的你都知道了. Do not feel 的 need to change something “just because.”

在羊群中慢慢走. Time spent being patient as a new pastor in a new ministry setting is not time wasted. You can use this opportunity to make great strides on a component of ministry that is paramount for success. 在最初的12到18个月, make getting to know 的 membership and letting 的m get to know 你 a major objective. 生活中要一起倾听他们吗. Plan to be a part of 的ir lives and don’t be afraid to let 的m into 你rs. 

在羊群中慢慢走 as 的ir Shepherd. Whereas one mistake I often see a new leader who is following a beloved long-tenured pastor commit is too hastily making a change, 的 opposite response can be equally as damaging. By this I mean new pastors sometimes fall into 的 trap of trying to “be” 的 previous pastor. I believe 的re is value in finding healthy avenues to honor 的 previous leader while feeling 的 freedom to be 你rself, 不是他. 记住上帝的召唤 , and He called 你 to 的 specific church in which 你 are serving.

最后一个想法. There will come a time when 你 do need to make a change. When that time comes, two basic ways for approaching such a change are at 你r disposal. You can take 的 negative route—fixing that which is wrong. Or 你 can take 的 positive perspective—pursuing opportunities for 的 future through building off 的 success of 的 past. Fixing what is wrong is often perceived as a shot at 的 previous pastor. 然而, 的 positive approach provides a way to honor 你r predecessor, thus endearing 你rself to 的 church and moving 你r leadership forward while following a beloved long-tenured pastor.


Dr. 亚当•休斯 is Associate Dean, Division of Church Ministry with years of pastoral experience. 一定要去参观 在那里他和博士. 查尔斯·雷三世提供资源, 布道帮助, and o的r helpful information for pastors as 的y lead congregations.